How to Floss with Braces


When you have metal braces, it’s still very important that you continue to floss your teeth to prevent the buildup of plaque and food particles. But how does one successfully floss with a braces wire in the way? We’ll walk through how to floss with braces so you can maintain optimal oral health while also straightening your teeth.

Traditional Floss

Traditional floss, or string floss, is a little bit more difficult to maneuver than other flossing options, but it’s also the most common flossing option. First, you will thread the floss between the wire and your teeth. Once you do that, you can floss as you normally do! When you are done flossing between your teeth, be sure to remove the floss from between your teeth and behind the wire very gently, because you don’t want to accidentally pull the wire from the bracket (which can happen!).

You can also use a floss threader to help expedite the process if you’re having trouble pulling the floss behind the metal wire. 

Water Flosser

A water flosser, such as a Waterpik®, is a tool that uses pressurized water to gently remove plaque and bacteria from between your teeth and from under the gum line. There are even orthodontic tips available that help remove hard-to-reach plaque from around your brackets.

Alternatives to Metal Braces

Don’t want to opt for metal braces? Depending on your needs, you could be a candidate for Invisalign, which involves wearing discreet, clear retainers that gently shift your teeth over time. You must remove your aligners when you eat and brush and floss your teeth, so you don’t have to worry about maneuvering around metal braces wires.

More Questions? We Have Answers!

Get ready for the smile you’ve always been waiting for! At Stroope Orthodontics, it’s our job to help our patients achieve gorgeous, functional smiles, and we’re proud to be among one of the top practices in Arkansas. Contact us to schedule a consultation today.