What to Look for When Choosing an Orthodontist

woman looks at x-rays with the orthodontist

Embarking on the journey to a straighter smile is a big decision. It’s also an exciting one. Once you’ve chosen to try orthodontic treatment, you’re left to decide who you want your orthodontist in Arkansas to be. While you may have an idea, here are a few things to look for when choosing an orthodontist.


Every orthodontist is a dentist. Their study to become an orthodontist makes them an expert in the field. However, beyond the license of an orthodontist are other qualifications. One which is being board certified by the American Board of Orthodontics (ABO). 

Dr. Stroope is proudly a board-certified orthodontist. The achievement demonstrates her ability to care for patients at the highest level.

Office Technology

You may think you or your child may not be impacted by technology. However, an orthodontic office with advanced technology can make treatment comfortable and highly effective and offer many different treatment options.

Office Hours

Orthodontic treatment length will vary. Typically, during treatment, you can expect to build a relationship with the individuals in the office as you will have frequent visits for adjustments and progress. It is best to choose a convenient location and a location that has hours that work with your schedule!


Imagining yourself before and after teeth straightening can be difficult. An orthodontic office with patient results and testimonials can help you see the type of work the office can complete and how your experience may be similar.

Payment Options

Straightening your smile for better oral health or appearance is an investment. While you may have saved or this is the next step to another treatment, how you pay and what you pay will play a factor in your choice. Our office has several financing options to make treatment affordable!

Schedule a Consultation at Stroope Orthodontics

At Stroope Orthodontics, we have the technology, tools, and treatments to help you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile. Schedule a consultation with us to see if we have everything you are looking for in an orthodontist. We can’t wait to meet you!