Why Is Accelerated Orthodontics Faster Than Traditional Braces?

mom and daughter wearing braces play video games

Is your smile not as straight and even as you would like? Traditional braces correct misaligned teeth and give you a straight smile, but treatment times can be long. Thanks to accelerated orthodontics, patients can get the smile they want in less time! How does this treatment work? 

What Is Accelerated Orthodontics?

At our office, we use PROPEL orthodontics. This treatment works with traditional braces and Invisalign to speed up the process. How? The Propel device pokes very tiny holes in your mouth to stimulate bone remodeling. This minor surgical procedure helps your teeth shift into place faster during orthodontic treatment! PROPEL can also make your case more predictable. In some cases, it lets Dr. Stroope treat complex cases without surgery.

Does Accelerated Orthodontics Hurt? 

While getting holes poked in your mouth doesn’t sound pleasant, you won’t feel it! We use a topical anesthetic, so you don’t even need to get shots. The process takes just 20 minutes or so and is completely safe. Mild discomfort is common, but you shouldn’t feel pain. 

How Fast Is Accelerated Orthodontics? 

Without PROPEL, it’s common for people to wear braces for 2-4 years. While every case is different, accelerated orthodontics can work two times faster than traditional orthodontics. 

Who Can Get Accelerated Orthodontics? 

Most patients who want a straighter smile can get PROPEL, but we decide on a case-by-case basis. For severe misalignment, we’ll create a treatment plan personalized to your needs and goals. 

Accelerated Orthodontics at Stroope Orthodontics in Springdale and Farmington, Arkansas 

Crooked teeth result in aesthetic and oral health problems, but thanks to orthodontics, you can get a straight smile! Traditional braces and Invisalign often have long treatment times, which is why Dr. Stroope and the team are happy to offer accelerated orthodontics. If you’re interested in learning more about this process, please contact us today to set up an appointment!