Will Denture Cleaner Work for Invisalign Retainers?

young man smiles while holding his clear aligner

First off, some congratulations are in order. Hooray for you for completing your Invisalign treatment! You’ve made it and now you’re getting to enjoy the benefits of a beautifully straight smile. While the hardest part is over, there’s still something you need to do to preserve all that work: wearing your Invisalign retainers. Those retainers that you got from your dentist after completing your Invisalign treatment are specifically designed to keep your teeth in their newly straightened positions. You should be wearing them every night, and with such regular usage, it’s important you know how to keep them clean.

While you may have gotten some Invisalign cleaning products with your retainers or your dentist may have offered to clean your retainers whenever you come in for your regular check-ups, you may also be wondering if you can use other types of cleaning products to keep them looking fresh. Many people ask us if it’s okay to use a denture cleaner in particular. Here’s what you need to know!

To Use Denture Cleaner or to Not Use Denture Cleaner

Have a quick look online and you’ll find lots of conflicting advice about whether or not it’s okay to use a denture cleaner with your Invisalign retainers. We like to err on the side of caution and recommend leaving denture cleaner specifically to dentures. The issue is that some denture cleaners can be too abrasive for Invisalign retainers and may cause damage.

What Retainer Cleaner to Use

We recommend sticking with cleaning products specifically designed for your retainers. That means either using Invisalign’s cleaning products or going with a product like Retainer Brite. They’re just as easy to use, and they can help you keep your retainers looking fresh. If you don’t have access to these, you could also use clear, non-scented, antibacterial soap.

Have more questions about caring for your Invisalign retainers? Ask away! You’re welcome to contact us at Stroope Orthodontics, and we’ll do our best to help in any way that we can.